Here at Allianz Mission in Vietnam, even as we excel in our various spheres, we are always a group of learners.  The team has been growing in skill as photographers and storytellers, as is evidenced by this latest round of our occasional Photo Competition.  Have a look below!

First Place- Nguyen Van Ha!

Van Ha's photo of the helpful husband of Mrs. Hoang Thi Binh, a participant in our income generation project in Vo Nhai in Thai Nguyen Province, illustrates both excellent storytelling and good composition.  Notice the mother pig in the background, awaiting the food being prepared.  Raising pigs for income is a team effort in this family.  Well done, Van Ha!

Second Place- Do Thuy Ngoc!

Ngoc's photo of three girls- Hanh, Mai, and Nhi- shows the excitement the girls had at being able to read new books brought to their school through AM's "Friendly Library" project.  Good job, Ngoc!

Third Place- SaraLen Tran!

Saralen's creative composition tells a wonderful story about her work with female victims of domestic violence.  One of the activities of the Women Self-Help Group, these posters represent many of the hopes and dreams the women have. One shared theme emerged: they all had a desire for a happy family- husband and wife care for each other, and parents care for their children.  Thanks for sharing this with us, SaraLen!






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